The rules have been formulated and the hostellers will be bound to obey these, for effective and smooth functioning of the hostel to ensure comfortable stay of different groups and individuals. The rationale for having the rules cannot be questioned by hostellers if it does not suit some of them. 1. The Youth Hostels have been established to provide inexpensive accommodation to students who are touring. Youth Hostel, Mysore is a high pressure hostel due to excessive demand. Therefore, to provide accommodation to maximum hostellers, we have to manage the availability of beds and also economize electricity and water to achieve this, the inmates will be required to shift from one dormitory to another to ensure full occupancy and avoid wastage. 2. (a) Priority of Accommodation goes to the Groups / Hostellers who have paid advance earlier. Groups / Hostellers who have paid advance later buty merely checked in earlier will have to accept floor accommodation. (b) The Groups/ Hostellers who extend their stay will have to check out and re-check in and accept floor accommodation (if necessary). (c) Each group will have to occupy equal number of lower and upper berths (bunks), to ensure equitable distribution of available resource. 3. The Hostellers are liable to be asked to vacate without notice and giving reasons, for undesirable conduct, behaviour and non-adherence to rules. Representations / Complaints will not be entertained and the Hostellers will be bound by the instructions given by reception staff as the situation prevails. ACCOMMODATION Steps for Reservation (a) Visit website www.yhmysore.in (b) Send requisition as per format by email. Accommodation will be allotted on First Come First Served Basis. Be realistic about number of people in the group for whom reservation is sought. (c) Await provisional blocking email from the Hostel Reservation Team (HRT). Accommodation will be blocked for you, at the cost of denying accommodation to others. The accommodation will remain blocked for three days only excluding Sundays and Holidays. (d) There will be NO REFUND OR ANY TYPE OF ADJUSTMENTS if there is reduction in number of people. If the number increases additional payment will have to be made. . (e) Deposit 100% amount within three working days. Should you not deposit 100% amount within three working days and confirm by email with attached copy of the NEFT/RTGS document, the blocking of accommodation will stand cancelled without any intimation to you. (e) On receipt of 100% amount in advance, the HRT will send email for confirmation of reservation. (f) You are assured of a bed after confirmation only. There may be requirement of shifting from one dormitory to the other. AS A RULE, 25% OF THE HOSTELLERS WILL BE ACCOMMODATED ON THE FLOOR (PROVIDED WITH MATTRESSES, BED SHEETS AND PILLOWS) to share the resources equitably, conserve electricity and water. WARDEN’S DECISION ON ALL MATTERS IS FINAL Communication Only the designated responsible person should communicate with HRT, to prevent duplicity and for better coordination. The Name, Address. Email address and Tele No of the Chairperson of the Institution /HOD /Principal must be enclosed in the requisition form Type of Accommodation and Priority 4. (a) Dormitories with double bunk cots and floor. Mattresses, pillows with linen will be provided for floor accommodation also. (b) All dormitories are situated in the FIRST and SECOND floor of the Hostel. Groups with differently abled Hostellers, must take this aspect into consideration before seeking accommodation. 5. (a) Separate dormitories for ladies and gents. Dormitories in which ladies are accommodated will be out of bounds for male hostellers. (b) No Family Accommodation. (c) Bonafied students (i.e. youth studying full time in recognized Schools / Colleges / Post Graduate Courses). Correspondence Course, Stipendiary Research Scholars and such like are not entitled to Student concessional rates. Restrictions 6. (a) Hostellers carrying arms and ammunition will not be allowed accommodation in this hostel. Matter will be reported to police if required. (b) Contagious / Infectious disease sufferers are not allowed. (c) Children under five years and pet are not allowed. (d) Religious, Political, Commercial activities are banned. (e) Govt. officials / locals are not allowed to stay. (f) Unaccompanied hostellers above 70 Years of age. (g) After checking out, the hostellers are not permitted to leave their luggage in the hostel at any cost. (h) The hostellers are not permitted to bring food from outside or arrange from outside sources (caterers) and consume either in the dining hall, in the dormitories or within the boundaries of the hostel. (j) Visitors/People who have not checked-in, the entry and movement of visitors is restricted to Office Area (Reception Counter) only. They cannot entetr dormitory to visit hostellers. This is also applicable to people of the group who have not checked in. (k) Elderly hostellers over 75 years of age may be Accommodated only if accompanied by an Attendant. TARIFF AND TIMINGS We wish to inform you that the Tariff per bed per night and the cost of Breakfast and Dinner are under revision. You will be required to pay the difference when you check in to the Youth Hostel Mysore. Bed Charges (for both cots and floor)(SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE) 7. (a) For bonafide students Rs.250/- per bed per day (to be supported by authority letter from the head of institution). Others Rs.300/- per bed per day. (b) Check in / Check out time-10 A.M. to 10 A.M. It means that if you arrive before 10 A.M. the period between time of arrival till 10 A.M. will be counted as one day for calculation of Tariff. (Please see Check-in and Check-out hours in Facilities Page) (c) Lights Off Time Hours are 11.00 P.M. to 5.00 A.M. During this period Lights will be OFF. Hostellers will ensure that they will not talk Loudly, as it will Disturb others. (Please see Lights Off Time in Facilities Page) (d) Maintenance Hours are 11.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. During this period the inmates are not permitted to stay in the Hostel. (e) Gate closing time is 10.00 P.M. and 6.00 A.M. (Please see Gate Closing Time in Facilities Page) (f) Rs. 10/- per head per hour - towards Late Arrival and Early Departure Fees. (g) Your monetary transaction will be with reception staff only. Please insist on receipt. (h) The payment of Advances and Final Billing will have to be completed by the hostellers between 7.00 am and 9.00 pm. SECURITY 8. (a) Being a high pressure Youth Hostel, the Occupancy is very High. The hostellers from all over the Country and from Abroad keep coming frequently and Occupy the vacant beds. This poses a Threat to Security and Safety of the belongings of the Hostellers. The Hostel Management makes it very clear that Safety and Security of your belongings is solely your responsibility. (b) Please secure your belongings with your Own Locks in the Lockers provided. If not possible please Deposit the same with Reception staff for Safe Custody. KITCHEN TIMINGS 9. (a) Morning Tea 6.30 A.M. to 7.00 A.M. (b) Breakfast 7.30 A.M. to 8.30 A.M. (c) Dinner 8.30 P.M. to 9.30 P.M. (d) The Hostellers are not permitted to bring FOOD from Outside OR Arrange from Outside sources (Caterers) and consume either in the Dining Hall, in the Dormitories or within the boundaries of the Hostel. Cooking in the Hostel vicinity is not allowed. 10. The kitchen timings will be strictly adhered to. An ordered but missed meal will be charged. Meals are provided only on advance request. Request for dinner and for breakfast the following morning will have to be made before 4.00 P.M. INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOSTELLERS On Arrival 11. (a) Please prove your identity. Produce valid students ID for availing for concession. (b) Enter details in arrival register and complete formalities. (c) Please collect fresh bed sheets and pillow covers. (d) Proceed to allotted dormitory and occupy bed as per instructions of staff. During Stay 12. (a) Maintain silence. Your loud conversation, singing, playing music, personal habits and merry making should not cause inconvenience to others. Caring for comfort of otherss is good manners and etiquette. (b) Do not change the berths (bunks) on your own. (c) You will be required to shift to different dormitory (if necessary) to accommodate other hostellers. (d) Please keep your cell phones at low volume so as to alert you only. Your conversation on mobile should not become irritable to others. 13. (a) Let 'Waste Not' be your motto. This specially applies to electricity, water and food. Switch OFF Lights, Fans and turn OFF Taps when not in use. Water and Electricity are costly and will become scarce with our carelessness. (b) The Hot water supply is through SOLAR Water Heater. It is a problem to supply HOT water on CLOUDY and RAINY days. Therefore, the WARM water from solar is heated by the geyser and supplied to Hostellers. To ensure economy in Electricity, the Hot water will be supplied from 5 A.M. to 9 A.M. only. To ensure that all Hostellers get Hot water to bathe, each Hosteller can have only half bucket of Hot water and mix with Cold water. Poverty has to be shared by all. The "HOSTEL" stands for: H - Hospitality, Honesty O - Organized System S - Smile, Self-Serivce, Scarifice, Safety, Security, Silence T - Tourism for Knolwedge E - Enthusiasm L - Loyalty to Youth Hostel movement 14. (a) Be properly dressed at all times. (b) Strict silence after lights out. (11 P.M. till morning 6.00 A.M.). (c) Do not lock up dormitories. The vacant beds will have to be alloted to other hostellers. (d) Do not inter change Dormitories / Furnitures / Beds / Etc. without permission. (e) Keep rooms clean, tidy your beds, do not litter, use trash cans. (f) Avoid hanging clothes for drying all over. (g) Use trash cans in bathrooms/toilet block for wrappers / sanitary napkins. These will choke the toilet outlet if not disposed properly. (h) Do not cook / eat, out side food in hostel premises / dormitories / dinning hall. (i) Do not carry crockery and food from kitchen / dinning hall to dormitories. Utensils/crockery will not be taken out of dinning hall. (j) Do not throw water, rubbish, spit etc. (k) Do not take away newspapers / magazines from lounge. (l) Non-Residents are permitted at the reception lounge only. Do not ask your friends / Guests to come to dormitories. You can meet them in the garden and use the benches provided. 15. (a) Hostellers will serve themselves (self service) and are expected to maintain cleanliness of dinning table, wash their used plates and glasses. (b) Do not waste food. You may be paying, but it belongs to our Nation. (c) Washing hands and mouth on the table is strictly prohibited. Do not litter the premises, use trash cans. 16. Please do not pass the hostel office telephone numbers to your friends / relatives to contact you. It is not possible to call hostellers to the phone. 17. Use hot water sparingly. For everyone to benefit, use only half a bucket per head for bath only and not for washing. Report to Warden / Staff 18. (a) Illness for Medical help. (b) Any untoward incident including breakages / damage to the hostel property. (c) In case of theft or loss of hostel property, luggage and belongings of inmates are liable to be searched. (d) Smile, kind work fetches double returns. Be polite and patient with the staff and cooperative with us to look after you better. PROHIBITED 19. (a) Consumption of alcoholic beverages / smoking / drugs / playing cards / gambling. (b) Entering dormitory / toilet block of opposite sex. (c) Use of musical instruments / electrical gadgets like CD players, heaters etc. (d) Entertaining guests in dormitories. (e) Private cooking in hostel premises. (f) Consuming outside food in hostel Premises / Dinning Hall / Dormitories. BEFORE DEPARTURE 20. (a) Return bedsheets and Pillow Covers. (b) Check bills presented. Settle all the dues. Check and take all your belongings. (c) Please endorse feedback in "Visitors Book" in english legibly. FOR YOU AND YOURS FRIENDS At a Glance 21. (a) Mode of Reservation - Telephone / e-Mail / In-person. (b) Location - Opposite Maruthi Temple Gangothri Layout, Saraswathipuram, MYSORE - 570 009. (IND). (c) Nearest Bus Stop - Maruthi Temple Stop. (d) Bus Routes. (i). City Bus Stand(CBS) - Maruthi Temple - CBS. 51,52,63,64,68,69,70,91,95,95A,95B, 96 and 68E. (ii). Railway Station - Maruthi Temple - Railway Station : 136,96,52. (iii). CBS to Chamundi Hill - 201. (iv). CBS to Brindavan Gardens (KRS) - 301. (e) Facilities - Dormitory (Separate for Males and Females) Dinner and Break-Fast (on confirmation by 4.00pm for minimum 15 persons). No Dinner on Saturdays. (f) Strict code of conduct, discipline and Civility. (g) Visit Mysore Palace, Art Museum, Zoological Garden, Bonsai Garden at Sri Ganapathi Sachidananda Ashram, Brindavan Garden, Kaveri Emporium, Devaraja Market, St. Philomena's Church, Srirangapattana (Palace of Tippu Sulthan), Chamundi Temple atop Hill, Belur and Halebeedu (Sculpture) near Hassan and many more. REFUND RULES
Advance received will not be refunded as under;